All Students: Click Below for Your Summer Reading Packets
We welcome submissions from the entire Co-op Community. Click here or email [email protected] Top: Ms. Pugh. Above: Ms. Esposito and Mrs. Sargent. (Ms. Laudermilch also received degrees.)
Q.O.T.W."You don't have to be a rocket scientist to save yourself." (Tamara Alexander)
Diversifying The Theatre
Carrington Interviews Christine Scarfuto (11/16) Interview with Artist William Villalongo
By Alumna Kayla Salters (6/16) Nomble Tanner's Capstone: Directing the Dream
By Ashaliegh Carrington Alumni PageCorrectionCamille Rodriguez's art (above) was mislabeled on P. 6 of Metamorphosis 2016.
Bunnie MovieSee this film on Octavia Petaway's Youtube channel.
Coop Reporters!Read work published this summer on www.c-hit.org by seniors Jake DeLucia, Jailene Pellot, and Liz Colon!