Cooperative International Studies Program
Ms. Wetmore's students painted this banner for the Earth Day celebration on the Green. The banners were sponsored by the New Haven/Leon Sister City Project.
Ms. Corbin 4/15
Co-Op students Veronica Robinson, Sharelle Halloway and Kayla Cromety captivated staff members and “CISP” students during final presentation night. Their presentation focused on Social Justice issues and the impact on different racial and ethnic groups. Students openly shared personal experiences with the group and encouraged other students to promote justice and increase tolerance and respect among various cultures. Co-op Students "Judge" Grammar School Kids
Mr. Bella 4/15
Some of Co-op's finest spent the day at Edgewood K-8 School judging their science fair. The Coop students represented their school well as role models for the younger students. This an annual event that was started last year by Mr. Erickson (K-8 Science Coach) and Mr. Bella. |
Environmental Studies Class Field Trips
October 3rd Mill River stream study trip
ENS Pond Studies (9/14)