COVID-19 SPECIAL SECTION BELOW: Click Here for help with resources and support
Junior Lihame Arouna (center, under Dr. Tracey) took part in a Zoom conference call with Dr. Tracey, along with 7 other City-wide Student Council members and others. These student representatives asked questions about the current state of the district, as well as discussed possible positive steps for the future.
SUBMISSIONS: Students, staff, & families are invited to share news, events, views, & creative work on this site. Click to submit.
"Nobody's actually scared of the dark; they’re scared of what lies there." Jamila Washington |
We hope you are safe. Send photos, art, writing to publish here so we can stay connected while we are physically apart.
Check email and other sources regularly for school and city communications
Impact of Covid-19 on Young Children Raven Joseph 5/20 A Letter to my Freed Self Yesira Delgado 5/20 A Global Pandemic: How Covid-19 is Impacting HBCU’s Raven Joseph 4/20 COVID-19 Journal 1 Angela Nunez Espinal 4/20
Metamorphosis Cento Poems: Raven Joseph, Chelsey Jara, Sam Sims, Thomasine Fletcher Response to Deborah Tannen piece: Raven Joseph, Julien Sanchez Levallois, Sam Sims ENGLISH PAPERS and POEMS: The Best Concert Domingo Torres 3/20 Where is America? Angela Mendez 3/20 Of Course I Write America Krista Miller 3/2 “This land was made for you and me” Jason Davis 3/20 The Supportive Change Kennyah Cooper 3/20 Set of Latin Root Words Edgar Morales Wash the Carrot Domingo Torres 2/20 The Road To My True Self Jason Sanchez 2/20 I Write America Jamila Washington 1/20 I Write America Makayla Beach 2/20 Jarring Insight Gabriel Guadalupe 2/20 America is Me Tynasiah Cloud 2/20 I Write America Ivelisse Lopez 2/20 I Write America Kenajha Bradley Dear America, Shaleyriz Soto 2/20 I Write America Rodrick Brown 2/20 Dear America, Jontae McDonald 2/20 Great Fantasy Carlos Perez 2/20 Death to America. Ashley Galindo 2/20 Simplicity/Poverty Experience Bayu Adji 1/20 Reflection: Art Experience Alexis Annan 1/20
NEWS: Women's History Thomasine Fletcher 3/20 Real Life Body Snatchers? Julien Sanchez-Levallois 2/2
OPINION: Is My Dream College the Right College for me? Raven Joseph 3/20 Supporting Literacy Outside the Classroom Yesira Delgado 3/20 America Loves its Drugs Krista Miller 3/20 That’s Not Dope Thomas Small 3/20 “I don’t like being black.” Samantha Sims The New Year Thomasine Fletcher 1/20 Response to Justin Elicker's Inauguration Speech by Charlotte Wilcox 1/20 My American Dream By Samantha Sims 2/20 Excuse me SIR, can YOU teach ME how to be a WOMAN? Nelani Mejias 1/20 Never Again Makayla Chambers 1/20 “Boys Will Be Boys” Nelani Mejias 1/20 Women, You Know Who You Are Tynasiah Cloud 12/19 The Power of Words Dyesha Sanchez 11/19 Has New Haven Actually Been a “Sanctuary City?” Thomas Small 10/19 The Head of The Table Speech by Raven Joseph 9/19
REVIEWS: Valuing Cultural Diversity in the Classroom Yesira Delgado 3/20 Music Analysis: Die Young Makayla Chambers 1/20 Joker Movie Review Jason Sanchez 11/19
CREATIVE WRITING: I wish I saw the sun like you. Samantha Sims 5/20 My Death Sam Sims 4/20 Get There Shaly Soto 3/20 Born in October Ivelisse Lopez 3/20 Black History Month Thomasine Harris Fletcher 3/20 When I Left Ivelisse Lopez 2/20 Lone–ly Charlie Brown 2/20 Illusion Nadia S. Gaskins 2/20 The Third Void, A Familiar Stranger and a Confused Reader Adi Clermont 2/20 Am I the Enemy, America? Charlie Brown 2/20 Reassurance
Xzavea Bradley Glover 2/20 Helen Keller Xzavea Bradley 2/20 Socialization Paper Yesira Delgado 1/20 West Side Story Epilogue Domingo Torres 1/20 Metamorphosis, ‘19 Charlie Brown 1/20 The Balance. By Ashley Galindo Lara 12/19 Half Broken Home By Rebecca Quirk-Sykes 12/19 Online World Jake Warner 12/19 A Monologue in Dedication of My Favorite Scene By Jaidyn Wein 11/19 Getting Hurt is in Style Stephanie Ruby Latorre 11/19 The New and Improved Declaration of Independence by Raven Joseph 9/19 Bedside Manner A Script by Xzavea Bradley 10/19 West Side Story Epilogue Gabriel Guadelupe 10/19 Backfire Prose Poem by Shaly Soto My Dream By Kenny Torres 10/19 First Heartbreak Rose Acevedo 10/19 My Death Samantha Sims 9/19 Emulation of "Don’t Touch Me" Nelani Mejias 9/19 TRAVEL: Life in Other Countries Ashley Galindo Lara 2/20
Coopians Dress in Pink to Support Breast Cancer Awareness. Click for more.
Staff Photographer! All photos by Mr. Esposito, unless otherwise noted.
* THANKS FOR VISITING * is the school news magazine for Cooperative Arts & Humanities Magnet High in New Haven, CT is the school news magazine for Cooperative Arts & Humanities Magnet High in New Haven, CT