................................................................... MOST RECENT HAPPENINGS ..............................................................
Congratulations To Everyone On a Fabulous Senior Prom!
"Once something gets you to the point of not caring, you know you are or were hurt in some way." --Liz Colon "You don't need to be finished to be heard; you just need to speak up." -- Brianna Dainiak THE PROTAGONIST
Protagonist--Mr. Esposito. Superpower--Organizational skills. Nominated--for his work on our Lost and Found! Reward--$10 Gift Card of his choice.
The Protagonist highlights community members who use their superpowers to improve Co-op! Want to nominate someone? Click here. POETRY ............
Justice By Whitney Breland I Have a Friend Ashaliegh Carrington 3/15 Transition Gianni Elcuri 2/15 Black Problems Lauryn Darden 2/15 FRIDAY FLAVOR ...........................
News, with some flavor! (This week's flavor: Nonviolence) Janardhan Sutram 1/13/15 NIGHTSHADE CHRONICLES ......
New installments weekly by Diamante Maldonado
........................... Read articles published on www.c-hit.org by Co-op students who participated in summer journalism workshops at Yale and Quinnipiac Universities: Reports Of Bullying In Connecticut Exceed National Average Miranda Noad 8/14 CT Teens Smoke Marijuana At Higher Rate Than National Average Radiant Holly 8/14 GSA PAGE ............
Thanks, GSA, for Promoting Equality
UCONN Hosts True Colors Conference
Gianni Elcuri 3/15 CAPTION CONTEST
"That's right boys. Haul it to ceramics!" Crisalin Long (Winner) |
Home Page Archive From Last Year
WE WANT YOU!WEEKLY WEB LINK12-year-olds in college (Submitted by Laura Sadowski)
Jason’s Creation
By Radiant Holly (6/11/14) If you didn't participate in Jason Dunn's Draft Exhibit project, you missed out on an awesome project. But it's not too late to take a look. The exhibit is installed in the hallway outside the Film Lecture Hall. Read more. Spring Fling!EDITORIALS ..........A Modest Proposal: A Non-Feminist Industry?
By Radiant Holly (6/12/14) In a society that is very pro separation of gender, fashion industries have a knack for reinforcing the separation. Recently, American Apparel has taken a complete turn from their mundane basics to NSFW (if you’re not familiar with NSFW, it means Not Safe for Work). Read more. Stereotypes in the Media
By Radiant Holly (6/14/14) Achievement Gap
By Jade Epps (5/16/14) Cry For Help
Jade Epps (4/29/14) Changes
By Jade Epps (5/9/14) Street Violence Vs. School Violence
By Erica Durant (5/13/14) What Grit Means
By Alicia Avitabile (4/18/14) ![]() Hottentot Venus: Story of Saartjie Baartman
By Tamera Sternberger (3/22/14) Crime in New Haven
By Floyd Robinson (3/19/14) Women Today
Liz Colon (3/19/14) Moving Farewell, Co-op
By Brianne Ballard (4/7/14) Definition of Freedom
By Julia DiStasio (3/10/13) NATIONAL/